
WB Hydraulic & Pneumatic Jacking Systems

Supplier of Hydraulic and Pneumatic Jacking Systems for Jacking, Hoisting, Lifting & Moving.
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Fressi Flat Jacks

A thin hydraulic device capable of developing considerable forces.

Flat jacks, with capacities up to 1000 tonnes, find application in both temporary and permanent scenarios. Comprising two joined steel plates, they exert forces up to 15 N/mm2 when inflated, making them suitable for spaces with gaps of 50mm or less. For temporary situations, hydraulic oil inflates the jack, while permanent installations involve initial inflation with hydraulic oil followed by transfusion under load with epoxy resin.

Freyssi Flat Jacks
FROM - Freyssi
Freyssi Flat Jacks
Freyssi Flat Jacks

Freyssinet – Freyssi flat jacks are a deformable steel capsule made out of two cold-formed steel halves welded together, presenting a circumferential circular toric rim.

Two pipe fittings, one of which serve as a vent, allowing a fluid to be injected under pressure to open the jack up to the height of the rim.

Freyssi Flat Jacks are simple, practical devices for the civil or structural engineer wherever the application or control of large forces is required. They are frequently used in the solution of unforeseen problems such as in remedial measures or structural additions.

They are as often used in new constructions in which they form part of the structural concept.

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Freyssi Flat Jacks
Freyssi Flat Jacks are simple, practical devices f...

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